1. What is Autonomous Weapons Systems (AWS)?
Autonomous weapons systems (AWS) are machines that can select and engage targets without human intervention. They are also known as lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS) or killer robots. AWS are not a work of science fiction from a distant dystopian future. They are an immediate cause of humanitarian concern and demand an urgent, international political response.
2. AWS and Challenges
AWS pose serious challenges for international security, human rights, and humanitarian law. Some of the main issues include:
The accountability gap: Who is responsible for the actions and consequences of AWS? How can victims seek justice and reparations for harm caused by AWS?
The ethical dilemma: Is it morally acceptable to delegate life-and-death decisions to machines? How can AWS respect human dignity and value?
The legal compliance: How can AWS comply with the principles of distinction, proportionality, and precaution in armed conflict? How can AWS respect international human rights law in situations of law enforcement?
The strategic stability: How will AWS affect the dynamics of deterrence, escalation, and crisis management? How will AWS interact with other emerging technologies such as cyberwarfare and artificial intelligence?
3. Responses on the Challenges arised from AWS
These questions have sparked a global debate among states, civil society, academia, industry, and military experts. Since 2014, the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) has been discussing the legal, ethical, and military aspects of AWS. However, there is no consensus on how to regulate or ban these weapons. Some states argue that existing laws are sufficient to ensure lawful and ethical use of AWS. Others call for a preventive prohibition or a moratorium on their development and deployment.
4. Future of International Conflict
The future of international conflict may depend on how the world addresses the challenges posed by AWS. If left unchecked, AWS could lower the threshold for war, increase civilian casualties, undermine human dignity, create new arms races and destabilize regional and global security. On the other hand, if regulated effectively, AWS could enhance military efficiency, reduce human suffering, promote transparency and accountability, and foster cooperation among states.
5. What to do for Peace and Security in the Era of AWS
Therefore, it is imperative that states engage constructively in multilateral negotiations on AWS at the CCW and other relevant forums. It is also crucial that civil society organizations raise awareness about the risks of AWS among policymakers and the public. Moreover, it is vital that academic researchers provide rigorous analysis and evidence-based recommendations on how to address the legal, ethical, and strategic implications of AWS.
This blog will examine these issues in more detail and propose some possible solutions for the governance of AWS.
6. Who knows well on this issue?
Here are some of the experts on ethical matters on autonomous weapons system :
- **Paul Scharre**, a senior fellow and director of the Technology and National Security Program at the Center for a New American Security¹.
- **Peter Asaro**, an associate professor of media studies at The New School and co-founder of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control¹.
- **Christof Heyns**, a professor of human rights law at the University of Pretoria and former UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions².
- **Noel Sharkey**, an emeritus professor of artificial intelligence and robotics at the University of Sheffield and co-founder of the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots².
- **Ronald Arkin**, a Regents' Professor and director of the Mobile Robot Laboratory at Georgia Institute of Technology³.
- **Robert Sparrow**, a professor in the Philosophy Program at Monash University and co-chair of The International Committee for Robot Arms Control³.
- **Heather Roff**, a senior research analyst at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory and a research scientist at Arizona State University¹.
- **Jürgen Altmann**, a physicist and peace researcher at Technische Universität Dortmund and co-founder of The International Committee for Robot Arms Control³.
- **Luciano Floridi**, a professor of philosophy and ethics of information at Oxford University and director of digital ethics lab¹.
- **Mary Wareham**, an advocacy director for Human Rights Watch's arms division and global coordinator for Campaign to Stop Killer Robots².
Source :
(1) What you need to know about autonomous weapons | ICRC - International Committee of the .... https://www.icrc.org/en/document/what-you-need-know-about-autonomous-weapons
(2) The Risks of Autonomous Weapons Systems for Crisis Stability and Conflict Escalation .... https://www.rand.org/blog/2020/06/the-risks-of-autonomous-weapons-systems-for-crisis.html
(3) Autonomous weapons systems and changing norms in international relations | Review of .... https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/review-of-international-studies/article/autonomous-weapons-systems-and-changing-norms-in-international-relations/8E8CC29419AF2EF403EA02ACACFCF223
(4) Ethics of autonomous weapons | Stanford News. https://news.stanford.edu/2019/05/01/ethics-autonomous-weapons/
(5) DOCUMENT: Ethics and Autonomous Weapon Systems: An Ethical Basis for Human Control .... https://www.armscontrol.org/act/2018-07/features/document-ethics-autonomous-weapon-systems-ethical-basis-human-control
(6) On banning autonomous weapons systems: from deontological to wide consequentialist .... https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/autonomous-weapons-systems/on-banning-autonomous-weapons-systems-from-deontological-to-wide-consequentialist-reasons/DC96197E1B3166498685398910966682
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