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5 Major Countries' Approaches to Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems(LAWS)

by GAI.T & a.k.a Chonkko 2023. 3. 23.

Lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS) are a growing concern for many countries around the world. While some countries have taken steps to regulate these weapons, others have not. Here are five major countries that have taken different approaches to LAWS:

1. United States

The United States has been one of the most vocal proponents of lethal autonomous weapons systems. The US military has been developing these weapons for years and has already deployed some of them in combat zones around the world⁴. However, there are concerns that these weapons could malfunction or be hacked, leading to unintended consequences².

2. China

China has also been developing lethal autonomous weapons systems, but it has taken a more cautious approach than the United States⁴. The Chinese government has stated that it will only use these weapons for defensive purposes and that they will always be under human control¹.

3. Russia

Russia has been developing lethal autonomous weapons systems for years and has already deployed some of them in combat zones⁵. However, like China, Russia has stated that these weapons will always be under human control¹.

4. Germany

Germany has taken a different approach to lethal autonomous weapons systems than other countries. In 2018, it announced that it would not develop or acquire these weapons³. Instead, Germany is focusing on developing other types of military technology.

5. France

France has also taken a cautious approach to lethal autonomous weapons systems. In 2019, it signed an agreement with 27 other countries calling for a ban on these weapons⁴. France has also stated that it will only use these weapons if they are under human control.




(1) Stopping Killer Robots: Country Positions on Banning Fully Autonomous Weapons and .... https://www.hrw.org/report/2020/08/10/stopping-killer-robots/country-positions-banning-fully-autonomous-weapons-and 
(2) Weapons powered by artificial intelligence need to be regulated. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/06/the-accelerating-development-of-weapons-powered-by-artificial-risk-is-a-risk-to-humanity/ 
(3) Lethal autonomous weapons systems & artificial intelligence: Trends, challenges, and .... https://sciencepolicyreview.org/2022/07/mitspr-191618003019/ 
(4) Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems Are Here—and We Need to Regulate Them - Foreign Policy. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/05/11/killer-robots-lethal-autonomous-weapons-systems-ukraine-libya-regulation/ 
(5) Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems: Recent Developments. https://clinics.law.harvard.edu/blog/2019/03/lethal-autonomous-weapons-systems-recent-developments/ 
(6) The Role of the United Nations in Addressing Emerging Technologies in the Area of .... https://www.un.org/en/un-chronicle/role-united-nations-addressing-emerging-technologies-area-lethal-autonomous-weapons 


