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[GAI] Generative AI Basic(2) : What is Neural Networks?

초심자를 위한 AI/Introducing AI

by GAI.T & a.k.a Chonkko 2023. 3. 29. 08:00



Introduction to Neural Networks

Neural Networks are a type of machine learning model that are inspired by the structure and function of the human brain. They are designed to learn from data and make predictions based on that data. The basic building block of a Neural Network is a neuron, which takes input signals and produces an output signal. These neurons are connected to each other in layers, creating a network of interconnected nodes.

The process of training a Neural Network involves adjusting the weights and biases of the connections between neurons. This is done by feeding the network a set of training data, and then adjusting the weights and biases to minimize the difference between the network's predictions and the actual values in the training data. Once the network has been trained, it can be used to make predictions on new data.

Types of Neural Networks


There are several types of Neural Networks that are commonly used in Generative AI. Each type of network is designed to handle a specific type of input data or produce a specific type of output data.

• Feedforward Neural Networks


Feedforward Neural Networks are the simplest type of Neural Network. They consist of a series of layers of neurons, with each neuron in one layer connected to every neuron in the next layer. The input data is fed into the first layer, and the output is produced by the final layer. Feedforward Neural Networks are commonly used for classification tasks, such as image recognition and natural language processing.

• Recurrent Neural Networks


Recurrent Neural Networks are designed to handle sequential data, such as time series data or language data. They have feedback connections between neurons, allowing information to be passed between time steps. This allows the network to maintain a memory of past inputs and produce output based on that memory. Recurrent Neural Networks are commonly used for tasks such as speech recognition and machine translation.


• Convolutional Neural Networks


Convolutional Neural Networks are designed to handle input data that has a grid-like structure, such as images or audio spectrograms. They use a type of neuron called a convolutional neuron, which applies a set of learned filters to the input data to extract features. The output of the convolutional layer is then passed through one or more fully connected layers to produce the final output. Convolutional Neural Networks are commonly used for tasks such as image classification and object detection.

• Generative Adversarial Networks


Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are a type of Neural Network that are designed to generate new data based on existing data. GANs consist of two Neural Networks: a Generator and a Discriminator. The Generator takes a random input and produces a new sample, while the Discriminator evaluates whether the sample is real or fake. The two networks are trained together, with the Generator trying to produce samples that fool the Discriminator, and the Discriminator trying to correctly identify real and fake samples. GANs are commonly used for tasks such as image generation and text generation.

How Neural Networks help in Generative AI

Neural Networks are a key component of Generative AI because they enable the creation of new data based on existing data. By training a Neural Network on a dataset, it can learn the patterns and relationships in the data and use that knowledge to generate new data that is similar to the original data.

One of the most common ways that Neural Networks are used in Generative AI is through the use of Generative Models. Generative Models are a type of machine learning model that are designed to generate new data that is similar to the original data. There are several types of Generative Models, including Autoencoders, Variational Autoencoders, and GANs.

Autoencoders are a type of Neural Network that are used for unsupervised learning. They consist of two parts: an Encoder that compresses the input data into a low-dimensional representation, and a Decoder that reconstructs the original data from the compressed representation. Autoencoders can be used for tasks such as image denoising and image compression, but they can also be used for generative tasks by sampling from the learned low-dimensional representation.

Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) are a type of generative model that extend the basic Autoencoder architecture by incorporating probabilistic modeling. VAEs are designed to generate new data that follows the same distribution as the original data. They use a technique called the reparameterization trick to sample from the learned probability distribution, allowing for the generation of new data. VAEs are commonly used for tasks such as image generation and text generation.

GANs are perhaps the most well-known type of generative model. As previously mentioned, GANs consist of two Neural Networks: a Generator and a Discriminator. The Generator takes a random input and produces a new sample, while the Discriminator evaluates whether the sample is real or fake. The two networks are trained together, with the Generator trying to produce samples that fool the Discriminator, and the Discriminator trying to correctly identify real and fake samples.

One of the main advantages of GANs is their ability to generate high-quality, realistic data. They have been used for tasks such as image generation, video generation, and music generation. GANs have also been used for data augmentation, where additional training data is generated to improve the performance of a machine learning model.

Neural Networks and Responsible Application

In conclusion, Neural Networks are a crucial component of Generative AI. They enable the creation of new data based on existing data, allowing for tasks such as image generation, text generation, and music generation. While Generative AI has many exciting applications, there are also ethical considerations that need to be addressed. It is important to be aware of these considerations and work towards creating responsible and ethical applications of Generative AI.


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