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[GAI] Generative AI Basic(4) : Generative Models

초심자를 위한 AI/Introducing AI

by GAI.T & a.k.a Chonkko 2023. 4. 10. 15:22



Introduction to Generative Models

Generative Models are machine learning models that generate new data by analyzing and learning patterns from existing data. These models can be used to create new images, videos, music, and text based on the data that they have been trained on. In the field of Artificial Intelligence, Generative Models have become increasingly popular due to their ability to create realistic and diverse new data. They have a wide range of applications, including creating synthetic data for training other machine learning models, generating new creative works, and creating realistic simulations.

Types of Generative Models

There are several types of Generative Models, each with its own unique approach to generating new data. Some of the most commonly used Generative Models include:


• Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)


VAEs are neural network models that are used to generate new data by compressing the original data into a lower-dimensional latent space. This compressed data is then used to generate new data that is similar to the original data. VAEs are commonly used in image and video generation, and they have also been used to generate realistic 3D models.

• Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)


GANs are a type of Generative Model that uses two neural networks - a generator and a discriminator - to generate new data. The generator creates new data, while the discriminator tries to distinguish between the generated data and the real data. The generator is trained to create data that is indistinguishable from real data, while the discriminator is trained to correctly identify whether the data is real or generated. GANs are commonly used in image and video generation, as well as in creating synthetic data for training other machine learning models.


• Autoregressive Models


Autoregressive Models are a type of Generative Model that generates new data by predicting the probability distribution of the next data point, given the previous data points. These models are commonly used in text generation, and they have been used to create new works of fiction and poetry.


• Flow-based Models


Flow-based Models are a type of Generative Model that generate new data by transforming the probability density function of the original data. These models are commonly used in image and video generation, and they have also been used to create realistic 3D models.

How Generative Models are used in Generative AI

Generative Models are a critical component of Generative AI, which is the field of AI that focuses on creating new data using machine learning models. Generative AI has a wide range of applications, including creating new creative works, generating synthetic data for training other machine learning models, and creating realistic simulations.

One of the most exciting applications of Generative AI is in creating new creative works. For example, Generative Models can be used to create new works of art, music, and literature. These works can be completely original, or they can be based on existing works that have been analyzed and learned by the Generative Model.

Generative Models can also be used to generate synthetic data for training other machine learning models. This is particularly useful in situations where there is a limited amount of real-world data available. By generating synthetic data, machine learning models can be trained to recognize patterns and make predictions with greater accuracy.

Finally, Generative Models can be used to create realistic simulations. For example, Generative Models can be used to create simulations of natural disasters, traffic patterns, and other complex systems. These simulations can be used to test hypotheses and make predictions about how these systems will behave in different scenarios.


Generative Models are a powerful tool in the field of Artificial Intelligence. They are used to generate new data by analyzing and learning patterns from existing data. There are several types of Generative Models, each with its own unique approach to generating new data. These models have a wide range of applications, including creating new creative works, generating synthetic data for training other machine learning models, and creating realistic simulations.

In recent years, Generative Models have become increasingly popular due to their ability to create diverse and realistic new data. They have a wide range of applications in many different fields, including art, music, literature, and science. As Generative AI continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more exciting applications of Generative Models in the years to come.

To use Generative Models effectively, it's important to have a strong understanding of the underlying machine learning algorithms and techniques. While Generative Models can be powerful tools, they require significant expertise to use effectively. By following best practices and learning from experienced practitioners, it's possible to achieve impressive results using Generative Models.

In conclusion, Generative Models are a powerful tool for creating new data and have a wide range of applications in many different fields. As the field of Generative AI continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more exciting applications of these models in the years to come. By following best practices and learning from experienced practitioners, it's possible to achieve impressive results using Generative Models.



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