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[GAI] Generative AI Basic(7) : Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

초심자를 위한 AI/Introducing AI

by GAI.T & a.k.a Chonkko 2023. 4. 29. 12:51



Introduction to GANs

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are a type of deep learning model that are used to generate new data. GANs were introduced by Ian Goodfellow in 2014 as a way to generate new data that is similar to existing data. The idea behind GANs is to have two neural networks compete against each other in a game-like fashion, with one network generating data and the other network trying to determine whether the data is real or fake.


GANs are composed of two neural networks: a generator and a discriminator. The generator is responsible for creating new data, while the discriminator is responsible for distinguishing between real and generated data.

The generator and discriminator are trained together in a process called adversarial training. In adversarial training, the generator and discriminator are pitted against each other in a game theoretic setting. The generator tries to create data that is indistinguishable from real data, while the discriminator tries to distinguish between real and generated data.

As the generator and discriminator are trained, they become better at their respective tasks. The generator becomes better at creating realistic data, while the discriminator becomes better at distinguishing between real and generated data. This process continues until the generator is able to create data that is indistinguishable from real data.

How GANs work in Generative AI

GANs can be used to generate a variety of different types of data, including images, text, and audio. GANs have been used to generate realistic images of people, animals, and objects. GANs have also been used to generate text, such as poems, code, and scripts. GANs have even been used to generate audio, such as music and speech.

GANs are still under development, but they have the potential to revolutionize the way we create and interact with data. GANs can be used to create new forms of art, to generate new content for entertainment and education, and to improve the accuracy of machine learning models.

Applications of GANs in Generative AI


GANs have a wide range of applications in generative AI. Some of the most common applications include:


• Image generation: GANs can be used to generate realistic images of people, animals, and objects. This has applications in a variety of fields, such as computer graphics, photography, and medical imaging.

• Text generation: GANs can be used to generate text, such as poems, code, and scripts. This has applications in a variety of fields, such as creative writing, journalism, and software development.
• Audio generation: GANs can be used to generate audio, such as music and speech. This has applications in a variety of fields, such as music production, voice acting, and telecommunications.
• Data augmentation: GANs can be used to generate new data from existing data. This can be used to improve the accuracy of machine learning models.
• Data compression:  GANs can be used to compress data by removing redundancy. This can be used to reduce the storage requirements for data.
• Data denoising: GANs can be used to remove noise from data. This can be used to improve the quality of data.
• Data translation: GANs can be used to translate data from one format to another. This can be used to make data more accessible to users.

GANs are a powerful tool for generative AI. They have the potential to revolutionize the way we create and interact with data. As GANs continue to develop, we can expect to see even more exciting applications for this technology in the future.


GANs are a powerful tool for generative AI. They have the potential to revolutionize the way we create and interact with data. GANs are still under development, but they have already made significant progress in a variety of fields. As GANs continue to develop, we can expect to see even more exciting applications for this technology in the future.


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